How to prepare Zobo drink within 40 minutes at home

You can easily prepare a nice Zobo drink within 40 minutes with the simple procedure below, you only need to visit any near by market to get the ingredients needed, see method below:

Ingredients needed to prepare Zobo drink at home.

Zobo leaves, water, pineapple, sugar, flavor

1) wash the zobo leaves
2) put it in a pot and add water 
3) boill it with pineapples for about 30 minutes
4) Allow it to cool 
5) then sieve it
6) Boil the sugar with a little water in a seperate pot to make a sugar solution
7) or just disslove sugar in hot water and pour it into the zobo 
8) Add vanilla flavour and stir very well 
9) store in a refrigerator and serve chilled
How to prepare Zobo drink within 40 minutes at home How to prepare Zobo drink within 40 minutes at home Reviewed by Ojo Ayomiotan Daniel(c.e.o Ayomite media) on December 09, 2021 Rating: 5

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