Are you tired of Google AdSense ban or unapproved request for your site approval for AdSense, here is the best Nigeria alternative AdSense network for you to monetize your blog/website..
How it works;
• High CPC: NG adverts pay as high as N40/click
and min of N10/click.
•Revenue Share: NG Adverts ensure publishers
earn more than themselves which means you
earn 70% of the advertiser’s bid the policy is
70/30%. This is the best lucrative opportunity to
make more money from this ads network.
•How you get paid: NG adverts is not a paid per
impression (PPM neither is it a pay per action
(PPA) rather a pay per click/cost per click (PPC/
•Account type: You can either chose to register
as an advertiser, publisher or both.
•Ads Units: Publishers are recquired to create
every ads unit separately..
Above are the features and terms applied, why waiting for AdSense, click below to join and monetize..

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